Minnie Irene Yearsley

Former Richwood area resident Minnie Irene Yearsley, 96, died
Friday, Mnrch 26 at Marion Manor. The retired school teacher at
North Union, Magnetic Springs, Marysville nnd Elgin School
Districts, hnd been ill several years.
She was a member of Claibourne United Methodist Church and
the Union County Retired Teachers Association.
The daughter of Malcolm M. and Mary A. Wurtsbaugh
Cameron wnn born July 23, 1902. Her husbnnd Thomas A. "Tim"
Yearsley, whom she married Juno 26, 1938, preceded her in death
July 26, 1978.
Surviving are a brother Harold Cameron of Toledo; several
nieces nnd nephews.
The Rev. Glenn Decker conducted funeral services Tuesday,
March 30 at Ballinger Funeral Home. Burial was at Claibourne
Memorial contributions mny be made to the Claibourne United
Methodist Church.

Stofcheck-Ballinger Funeral Home